International students currently enrolled at South Seattle College can apply for its 2025-2026 Foundation Scholarships until May 5, 2025.
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High School Diploma

The following list includes some of the credentials generally considered comparable to a U.S. High School Diploma by universities and colleges in the United States. If you hold one of the following credentials, you should apply for the college program of your choice and not for the High School Completion Plus program (please see below for exceptions/recommendations regarding this policy).

If you are under the age of 18 and want to prove you have completed senior high school, you can submit preliminary results or evidence that you will finish senior high school when you submit your application. If your country is not on the list below, please contact our Admissions Office for assistance.

Country Credential
Armenia Atestat Mijnakarg yndhanur krtutyan (Certificate of Secondary General Education)
Brazil Ensino Medio
China Senior Middle School Certificate
Colombia Bachiller
France Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degre (Baccalaureat)
Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hoschschulreife (Abitur)
Hong Kong - Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), 5 subjects passed (pre-2011)
- Hong Kong Diploma Of Secondary Education (post-2011)
India Higher Secondary School Certificate/Higher School Certificate (HSSC / HSC)
Indonesia Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB)
Italy Maturita Certificate
Japan Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Kazakhstan Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Atestat o Srednem Obrazovanii)
Kyrgyzstan Attestat o Srednem Obschem Obrazovani
Malaysia Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) - 5 subjects passed *
Mexico Bachillerato
Mongolia School Leaving Certificate (Gerchilgee)
Nepal National Board Examination Certificate or Higher Secondary Education Board Examination Certificate
Peru Educacion Secundaria
Poland Swiadectwo Dorjzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (Certificate of Completion of Education of General Secondary School)
Russia Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji *
Saudi Arabia General Secondary Certificate of Education
Singapore Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education, Ordinary ('O' Level), 5 subjects passed *
South Korea High School Graduation Certificate
Spain Titulo de Bachiller
Sweden Avgangsbetyg / Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskola (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School)
Taiwan Senior High School Certificate of Graduation
Thailand Mayatom VI Certificate
Turkey Secondary School Diploma (Lise Diplomasi)
Ukraine Atestat pro povnu zagalnucerednio osvitu (Certificate of Completion Secondary Education)
United Kingdom General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) – 5 subjects passed *
Uzbekistan O’rta Maxus Ta’lim To’g’risidagi Shahodatnoma (Certificate of Completed Upper Secondary Education)
Vietnam Secondary School Leaving Examination
General - International General Certificate of Secondary Education and other Ordinary Level ("O" Level) certificates – 5 subjects passed *
- International Baccalaureate Diploma
- U.S. GED Diploma


- Although the credentials listed here are generally considered comparable to a U.S. High School Diploma, universities and colleges may view them differently. Students should always take care to consult with the university or college where they intend to transfer to learn about that institution’s admission requirements.

- Students holding credentials marked with an asterisk (*) should note that some universities, particularly very selective ones, may not consider that credential comparable to a U.S. High School Diploma. In these cases, students should consider the possibility of earning a U.S. High School Diploma via the High School Completion Plus program, in consultation with advisors at Seattle Colleges and the admissions office of the university where they intend to transfer.